Yesterday we got a birthday invite in the mail for our nephew AND a Facebook invite for a Black Family gathering in August. This is the first time I got pretty sad about being gone because we had to RSVP "no" to both. I was pretty bummed that we saw Andy's extended family for the last time a few months ago and I wasn't sure when I would see them again. Andy and I had some time in the morning to be at the house and organize the few things we had left. I brought some furniture to a friend and went to another friend's son's 1-year birthday party and Andy met up with his family for dinner. I met up with them for drinks afterwards and was looking forward to spending a final night out with his family. A few minutes later our aunt, uncle, and a couple cousins walked in. I thought it was so coincidental and great that they were out on the town at the same place as us! Then some more people came and I figured it out. They were having a party for Andy's dad...