Well, I've been in no rush to unpack. I've decided that I'll really start the job hunt once the house is put together. Last time it took me 3 years and I'm moving at a bit of a slower pace this time around. The things that are distracting me are waking up late, taking time to drink my multiple cups of coffee, reading books, floating in the pool, and NYC. Many of these things can only truly be enjoyed during the summer months so I think it makes sense to use the time while I have it. Andy hasn't disagreed yet, but I'm sure I'll start to get some looks come fall. For the 4th of July we decided to stay home and see what we could see from our house. We live on a hill so we were hopeful we'd have a view. I had the great idea to watch from the roof. Turns our my fear of heights is as bad as I remember it being so I only made it, shaking, for about 5 minutes before I had to climb down. We ended up being able to watch the fireworks from our staircase. ...